Labels:text | screenshot | rectangle OCR: U.S. NETWORK MANAGER SALARIES, 1995 30 23% -25 21% 20 - 15 10 69 4% 5 - 1% 2% Percentage of respondents Less than $20,000- $30,000- $40,000- $50,000- $60,000 $75,000- $80,000- $90,000- $100,000- 20k. 29,999 39.999 49.999 59,999 69,999 79.999 89.999 99,999 or more Salary range Source, Wison Research Group. LAN Magazine Figure 1. More than 4 percent of network managers are bringing home high salaries in the six-figure range. And for the first time in our survey history, the bulk of the respondents --- about 50 percent-are in the $40,000 to $59,999 range.